And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
Trading Results for Friday 02/20/09:
TODAY'S PROFIT....$2,335.00
Trading Notes:
Volatility is back baby. It's a MAD,MAD,MAD,MAD MARKET and you can seriously get hurt out there if you don't know what you're doing or have a great trading system in place. Best trading day in a long time for us. It was like the pressure in the Markets were building up all week--volatility was way down for days--and suddenly the dam burst wide open. It's amazing what a little volatility can do. We're talking maximum overdrive here like what we were seeing on a daily basis in Oct '08. I had decided I was going to get some more trades recorded for a week now and I couldn't have picked a better day for it. Conditions were perfect and The WUNDERKING Trading System was in top form. You'll see The WUNDERKING Trading System in it's element in this video. It's all there: Riding the Market[DOW Futures] with Spot On Trades that performed just like predicted. Huge swings all around. Gold topped 1K today as well. A lot going down today in the trading world for sure. Perfect Storm-type trading day & it's all good when you're riding the waves as opposed to getting smashed upon the rocks. The proof is in the pudding folks. Hope you enjoy it. [Music provided by Angus & the boys].
A note on our Investment Club: If you've emailed us and you haven't been contacted yet do not dispare: We haven't forgotten you. It's been a busy week and we'll contact you as we have the chance. Once again we can be reached at: Closed the Day UP $2,335.00 or UP +23.35%.
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