Friday, February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009 Trading Profit = +9.02%

Trading Results for Friday 02/13/09:

TODAY'S PROFIT....$902.50


Trading Notes:
Friday the 13th. The first thing I was greeted with when I turned on the t.v. this morning were images of the commercial jet crash,Flight 3407 out of NYC which crashed just outside of its Buffalo,NY destination. All 49 passengers were killed with 1 ground fatality. That's 2 headline-news crashes within a 1 month period. The other being the plane that crash-landed on the Hudson River in NYC on Jan 15th[no fatalities except for the birds that got sucked into the engines]. Found this site that keeps a tally on all the plane & helecopter crashes around the world. Somehow I wish I hadn't seen that. Doesn't actually do much to bolster my level of confidence in flying. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims of Flight 3407.

After a slow morning my trading only started picking up during the afternoon part of the session. All markets have been showing total indecision all week due to ongoing bailout news which makes seeing possible trends all the more difficult. Was able to finally get a good ride on the DOW and overall was able to pull off a decent day of returns just shy of my projected goal of 10%/day. That was good enough for me considering that chaos seemed to reign in the markets the majority of the time. Certainly it was if anything a trial by fire week for traders of any market. To keep my risk at a bare-bones minimum I traded only 1 contract at a time which is my usual rule-of-thumb in troubled markets like these. It is absolutely essential to keep trading risk at the lowest possible level but in such crazy volatile times like these sometimes just entering the market is a risk in itself. But after a very hectic week I feel like we've passed through the roughest part of this turbulent time...for the moment anyway. Tomorrow I'll provide some insights on my trading style and what makes the WUNDERKING.NET Trading System a Unique & Winning system in today's trading market. Should be good. God Bless & Have A Great Weekend.

Closed the DAY UP $902.50 or +9.02%.

To see today's trading results go to: