Flew out to Miami for the weekend and didn't trade on Friday 1/23 or Monday 1/26. Glad I left my laptop & gadgets behind since soaking up some Florida sun and chugging down some cold ones by the pool was all I'd been dreaming about lately. Though from this photo it isn't too hard to tell that it wasn't the greatest postcard-ish weather: Partly cloudy, High 70's--but Hey, it beats freezing my butt off in Boston so who's complaining. Being that it's the dead-of-winter here in New England I was glad to trade my usual 4 layers of clothing that insulate me 24/7 for a flowered t-shirt,shorts & sandles. It is truly a magical thing to be able to hop on a plane and be touchdown into "summer-time" 3 hours later. That never ceases to amaze me. And it never ceases to amaze how I can never get accustomed to the cold here either.
No spring break throngs of rowdy drunk college kids in S.Florida this time of year just a smattering of flower-shirted Moms & Dads out with the kids. It's definitely off-season down here: Beaches were only peppered with sunbathers and even the bars weren't full at night. I'll bet the Florida tourism industry can't wait for the spring break crowds to start rolling in. It's like the calm before the storm down there right now.
A balmy temperature of 19°F greeted me when I landed back in Boston on Monday. The forecast calls for 6-8" of snow by tomorrow. Which means only 1 thing: Back to the staying inside and staying-warm-by-any-means-possible regime. Good weather for trading though. Wouldn't be able to concentrate as much as being in the party-zone, that's for damn sure.